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About Frank Wise School

View Our Aims and Values


Here you will find a copy of the Frank Wise School Curriculum Framework. This document reflects our philosophy and aims, as well as describing our very specialised approach, including how teaching programmes are planned and carried out to meet the individual needs of every child within the school.

We have not only detailed the content of our curriculum but have also attempted to define the context within which it operates. However, it must be emphasised that our curriculum is constantly changing, responding to new needs and reflecting our developing knowledge and experience.

School Curriculum Framework - Download


At Frank Wise School we believe that it is essential that the achievements of our pupils are celebrated as effectively as possible with as wide an audience as possible. We carefully capture a summary of each pupil’s learning against their individual targets and across the curriculum more broadly, and showcase key highlights of achievements from their year through Records of Achievement.

These include photographs and video footage distributed as an end of year summary as part of the Annual Review process. As well as highlighting individual achievements, we also celebrate whole class achievements and experiences such as involvement in school productions or going on day trips and residential visits.

Following a process of careful consultation with families and the evaluation of impact on pupil outcomes beyond the school, we took the decision to discontinue our use of commercial accreditation systems. This was on the basis that they are poorly understood and, as such, have limited currency in the wider world, risk distracting from a focus on the developmental requirements of the individual and were rarely considered by the pupils’ destinations. Instead, we work towards the pupils leaving in Year 14 with a personal portfolio of competency, aligned to their EHCP outcomes and supplemented with developmentally appropriate evidence of capability linked to their intended destinations, be that further education, employment or care settings.

Careers Education

Here you will find individual information for families, employers and staff along with a copy of the school’s careers program and the careers education and post school guidance policy. ‘The World of Work’ is part of the curriculum that is taught to all students as they move through the school. This is via classroom based learning, work place visits, work placements, development of skills for independence and visits into school by local employers. Independent advice and guidance is available for every young person and their family throughout their time at the school.

Pupils take part in a range of timely activities presented according to their individual needs. This ensures that they are well informed and able to play an active part in determining their future pathways post school. Download the Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) policy and the Frank Wise School Careers Programme, in order to discover more about what we offer and how its impact is evaluated.

The latest CEIAG Newsletter can be accessed here – Newsletter September 2024
The latest CEIAG Yearly Planner can be accessed here – Yearly Planner 2024/25

You can also access a film about CEIAG developed by the students within the Griffiths Centre below.

Our Provider Access Policy can be found here. Our Careers Leader is Natalie Dayer and she can be contacted by email at or by phone on 01295 263520.

Further information which may be of use can be found here on the National Careers Service and Apprenticeships:

Griffiths Centre CEIAG Movie Watch here


Here you can find the latest term dates and other important dates relating to key events across the school year.


As a state maintained school we are required to publish specific information our website as indicated by the DfE.


Find out who is representing the pupils and students on the Student Council and what they do.

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